Spent the day on my monthly accounts and only just getting back to NodeMcu work :)
So used NodeMCU PyFlasher to burn new image to flash (see earlier posts for details) and then ran C:\Users\kilnageer\Documents\CoderDojo\2018 Reboot\CH Project\NodeMcu\ESPlorer\ESPlorer.jar to develop the application code :) (also covered earlier)
So I now need an lua app which will:
1) read a room temperature from a DHT22 sensor over a NodeMcu digital input
2) and then publish it to a remote MQTT broker over the local wifi.
So 1) achieved using code at:
and pin-out from:
which resulted in the following output :) (I can swap DHT11 module for DHT22 sensor later :))
So now on to 2). I will use the code at:
Cobbling it all together I used the following code:
(NOTE: real passwords changed to PASSWORD :) )
function GetSensorData()
print( "Trying to get temperature..." )
pin = 4
status, temp, humi, temp_dec, humi_dec = dht.read(pin)
if status == dht.OK then
print("DHT Temperature:"..temp..";".."Humidity:"..humi)
elseif status == dht.ERROR_CHECKSUM then
print( "DHT Checksum error." )
elseif status == dht.ERROR_TIMEOUT then
print( "DHT timed out." )
return temp
print( "NodeMcu temperature monitor v0.1 02-Apr-19" )
-- Lets see if we are already connected by getting the IP
ipAddr = wifi.sta.getip()
if ( ( ipAddr == nil ) or ( ipAddr == "" ) ) then
print("Configuring WIFI....")
station_cfg.ssid="Tola Park"
print("Already connect to WIFI....")
sensorID = "temp_001" -- a sensor identifier for this device
tgtHost = "" -- target host (broker)
tgtPort = 1883 -- target port (broker listening on)
mqttTimeOut = 120 -- connection timeout
mqttUserID = "pi" -- account to use to log into the broker
mqttPass = "PASSWORD" -- broker account password
dataInt = 5 -- data transmission interval in seconds
topicQueue = "/temps" -- the MQTT topic queue to use
-- Function pubEvent() publishes the sensor value to the defined queue.
function pubEvent()
rv = GetSensorData() -- read temp
pubValue = sensorID .. " " .. rv -- build buffer
print("Publishing to " .. topicQueue .. ": " .. pubValue) -- print a status message
mqttBroker:publish(topicQueue, pubValue, 0, 0) -- publish
-- Reconnect to MQTT when we receive an "offline" message.
function reconn()
print("Disconnected, reconnecting....")
-- Establish a connection to the MQTT broker with the configured parameters.
function conn()
print("Making connection to MQTT broker")
mqttBroker:connect(tgtHost, tgtPort, 0, function(client) print ("connected") end, function(client, reason) print("failed reason: "..reason) end)
-- Call this first! --
-- makeConn() instantiates the MQTT control object, sets up callbacks,
-- connects to the broker, and then uses the timer to send sensor data.
-- This is the "main" function in this library. This should be called
-- from init.lua (which runs on the ESP8266 at boot), but only after
-- it's been vigorously debugged.
-- Note: once you call this from init.lua the only way to change the
-- program on your ESP8266 will be to reflash the NodeCMU firmware!
function makeConn()
-- Instantiate a global MQTT client object
print("Instantiating mqttBroker")
mqttBroker = mqtt.Client(sensorID, mqttTimeOut, mqttUserID, mqttPass, 1)
-- Set up the event callbacks
print("Setting up callbacks")
mqttBroker:on("connect", function(client) print ("connected") end)
mqttBroker:on("offline", reconn)
-- Connect to the Broker
-- Use the watchdog to call our sensor publication routine
-- every dataInt seconds to send the sensor data to the
-- appropriate topic in MQTT.
tmr.alarm(0, (dataInt * 1000), 1, pubEvent)
print("Starting temp monitor..")
NodeMCU custom build by frightanic.com
branch: master
commit: 11592951b90707cdcb6d751876170bf4da82850d
SSL: false
modules: dht,ds18b20,file,gpio,mqtt,net,node,tmr,uart,wifi
build created on 2019-03-31 09:31
powered by Lua 5.1.4 on SDK 2.2.1(6ab97e9)
No init.lua yet!
> dofile('test.lua')
NodeMcu temperature monitor v0.1 02-Apr-19
Already connect to WIFI....
Starting temp monitor..
Instantiating mqttBroker
Setting up callbacks
Making connection to MQTT broker
> connected
Trying to get temperature...
DHT Temperature:20;Humidity:21
Publishing to /temps: temp_001 20
Trying to get temperature...
DHT Temperature:20;Humidity:27
Publishing to /temps: temp_001 20
Trying to get temperature...
DHT Temperature:20;Humidity:27
Publishing to /temps: temp_001 20
Trying to get temperature...
And looking at the MQTT.fx output:
So I just need to clean it all up and change file name to init.lua.This means:
1) Replace DHT11 module for a DHT22 sensor - which gives better temperature range and accuracy and uses less power as no red LED always on :)
2) Change the topic to be /sensors/temp/XXXX (where XXXX is the NodeMcu id)
3) Run standalone from a battery and field test it.
NOTE: Code will need to be customised for Kilnageer and re-flashed
So used NodeMCU PyFlasher to burn new image to flash (see earlier posts for details) and then ran C:\Users\kilnageer\Documents\CoderDojo\2018 Reboot\CH Project\NodeMcu\ESPlorer\ESPlorer.jar to develop the application code :) (also covered earlier)
So I now need an lua app which will:
1) read a room temperature from a DHT22 sensor over a NodeMcu digital input
2) and then publish it to a remote MQTT broker over the local wifi.
So 1) achieved using code at:
and pin-out from:
which resulted in the following output :) (I can swap DHT11 module for DHT22 sensor later :))
So now on to 2). I will use the code at:
Cobbling it all together I used the following code:
(NOTE: real passwords changed to PASSWORD :) )
function GetSensorData()
print( "Trying to get temperature..." )
pin = 4
status, temp, humi, temp_dec, humi_dec = dht.read(pin)
if status == dht.OK then
print("DHT Temperature:"..temp..";".."Humidity:"..humi)
elseif status == dht.ERROR_CHECKSUM then
print( "DHT Checksum error." )
elseif status == dht.ERROR_TIMEOUT then
print( "DHT timed out." )
return temp
print( "NodeMcu temperature monitor v0.1 02-Apr-19" )
-- Lets see if we are already connected by getting the IP
ipAddr = wifi.sta.getip()
if ( ( ipAddr == nil ) or ( ipAddr == "" ) ) then
print("Configuring WIFI....")
station_cfg.ssid="Tola Park"
print("Already connect to WIFI....")
sensorID = "temp_001" -- a sensor identifier for this device
tgtHost = "" -- target host (broker)
tgtPort = 1883 -- target port (broker listening on)
mqttTimeOut = 120 -- connection timeout
mqttUserID = "pi" -- account to use to log into the broker
mqttPass = "PASSWORD" -- broker account password
dataInt = 5 -- data transmission interval in seconds
topicQueue = "/temps" -- the MQTT topic queue to use
-- Function pubEvent() publishes the sensor value to the defined queue.
function pubEvent()
rv = GetSensorData() -- read temp
pubValue = sensorID .. " " .. rv -- build buffer
print("Publishing to " .. topicQueue .. ": " .. pubValue) -- print a status message
mqttBroker:publish(topicQueue, pubValue, 0, 0) -- publish
-- Reconnect to MQTT when we receive an "offline" message.
function reconn()
print("Disconnected, reconnecting....")
-- Establish a connection to the MQTT broker with the configured parameters.
function conn()
print("Making connection to MQTT broker")
mqttBroker:connect(tgtHost, tgtPort, 0, function(client) print ("connected") end, function(client, reason) print("failed reason: "..reason) end)
-- Call this first! --
-- makeConn() instantiates the MQTT control object, sets up callbacks,
-- connects to the broker, and then uses the timer to send sensor data.
-- This is the "main" function in this library. This should be called
-- from init.lua (which runs on the ESP8266 at boot), but only after
-- it's been vigorously debugged.
-- Note: once you call this from init.lua the only way to change the
-- program on your ESP8266 will be to reflash the NodeCMU firmware!
function makeConn()
-- Instantiate a global MQTT client object
print("Instantiating mqttBroker")
mqttBroker = mqtt.Client(sensorID, mqttTimeOut, mqttUserID, mqttPass, 1)
-- Set up the event callbacks
print("Setting up callbacks")
mqttBroker:on("connect", function(client) print ("connected") end)
mqttBroker:on("offline", reconn)
-- Connect to the Broker
-- Use the watchdog to call our sensor publication routine
-- every dataInt seconds to send the sensor data to the
-- appropriate topic in MQTT.
tmr.alarm(0, (dataInt * 1000), 1, pubEvent)
print("Starting temp monitor..")
Which gives the output:
branch: master
commit: 11592951b90707cdcb6d751876170bf4da82850d
SSL: false
modules: dht,ds18b20,file,gpio,mqtt,net,node,tmr,uart,wifi
build created on 2019-03-31 09:31
powered by Lua 5.1.4 on SDK 2.2.1(6ab97e9)
No init.lua yet!
> dofile('test.lua')
NodeMcu temperature monitor v0.1 02-Apr-19
Already connect to WIFI....
Starting temp monitor..
Instantiating mqttBroker
Setting up callbacks
Making connection to MQTT broker
> connected
Trying to get temperature...
DHT Temperature:20;Humidity:21
Publishing to /temps: temp_001 20
Trying to get temperature...
DHT Temperature:20;Humidity:27
Publishing to /temps: temp_001 20
Trying to get temperature...
DHT Temperature:20;Humidity:27
Publishing to /temps: temp_001 20
Trying to get temperature...
And looking at the MQTT.fx output:
So I just need to clean it all up and change file name to init.lua.This means:
1) Replace DHT11 module for a DHT22 sensor - which gives better temperature range and accuracy and uses less power as no red LED always on :)
2) Change the topic to be /sensors/temp/XXXX (where XXXX is the NodeMcu id)
3) Run standalone from a battery and field test it.
NOTE: Code will need to be customised for Kilnageer and re-flashed
Have runtime error running code:
Making connection to MQTT broker
> failed reason: -5
Publishing to /temperatures/NodeMcu_2650591: 27
PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (init.lua:54: not connected)
Making connection to MQTT broker
> failed reason: -5
Publishing to /temperatures/NodeMcu_2650591: 27
PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (init.lua:54: not connected)
Did major reworking of code started to look good then wouldn't connect to wifi anymore!
NodeMcu temperature monitor v0.3 02-Apr-19
> Configuring WIFI..
Configuring WIFI..
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