I'm going to use the Raspberry Pi to replace the charge controller meter. (I can then monitor 5 charge controllers at once an dpost the result son the web).
But first I need to find out how the communications takes place over the RJ45 cable.
So I will monitor it with the Rasp Pi
The pin-out for the GPIO header and for the RJ45 I found on the web
I believe the Rasp Pi uses 3v3 voltage levels so I will need to buffer its inputs and if the RJ45 is using current mode rather than a voltage swing I may need to get a bit more crafty.
I'm also assuming a asynchronous protocol say 1 start, 8 data and 1 stop bit at 19K2 baud. But if they transfer in encrypted blocks it will be harder to decode.
But first I need to find out how the communications takes place over the RJ45 cable.
So I will monitor it with the Rasp Pi
The pin-out for the GPIO header and for the RJ45 I found on the web
I believe the Rasp Pi uses 3v3 voltage levels so I will need to buffer its inputs and if the RJ45 is using current mode rather than a voltage swing I may need to get a bit more crafty.
I'm also assuming a asynchronous protocol say 1 start, 8 data and 1 stop bit at 19K2 baud. But if they transfer in encrypted blocks it will be harder to decode.
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