So, I wire up the last two 100W PV panels this afternoon once their was a break in the showers.
I was pleasantly surprised that the panel that blew off the 40' Shannon Tidy Towns (STT) container is still producing 20v ! Ah this is the missing 6th panel! So maybe not. I'll look in the 40' container for this :)
The goal is to customised this system to be deployed next week back on the 40' container to provide battery powered LED lighting again.
I will loan a system to STT with a LiFEPO4 12v battery so that the LTE modem has plenty of juice. Though I do have two spare 12v lead acid batteries I may try as well :)
Next is reprogram the NodeMCU based WiFi charging monitor to work with the new STT WiFi SSID and password and a MQTT database and connect up an LTE router to the 12v battery. Finally I will create a STT blogger post to provide real time graphs.
But this time round everything will be more robust and remotely monitored.
Latter in the year we expect to a more capable, professionally installed PV system. Then I will reclaim this loaner system.