So I'm now generating between 2.5 and 4 units per day depending on how sunny the day is around noon. And to date I've generated around 62 units of electricity most of which is being used by the house.
If I download my 30 minute usage values form Community Power and just looked at the daily and weekly totals for the last year using the Python program listed below:
That was daily for the last year. And this is weekly
Sadly no massive decrease yest even though I'm generating a few units each day. Maybe it's being exported?
# Program to read 30 min energy usage figures downloaded
# in a .CSV fril from Community Power web portal and
# display energy (KWh) used per day
import csv
with open('usage.csv') as csv_file:
with open('dailyUsage.csv', 'w') as outFile:
with open('weeklyUsage.csv', 'w') as weekOutFile:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
line_count = 0
out_count = 0
dailyUsage = 0
mprnNumber = 0
serialNumber = 0
lastDate = ""
weekCounter = 0
weeklyUsage = 0
for row in csv_reader:
if line_count == 0:
if row[0] != "MPRN":
print( "ERROR: First colum of first row not 'MPRN'")
if row[1] != "Serial No":
print( "ERROR: Second colum of first row not 'Serial No'")
if row[2] != "Date":
print( "ERROR: Third colum of first row not 'Date'")
if row[3] != "Time":
print( "ERROR: Fourth colum of first row not 'Time'")
if row[4] != "Usage kWh":
print( "ERROR: Fifth colum of first row not 'Usage kWh'")
print(f'Column names are {", ".join(row)}')
line_count += 1
# We want to accumulate the usage until the day changes
# then print it out.
# We will also ensure the MPRN and Serial No. does change
if mprnNumber == 0:
mprnNumber = row[0]
if serialNumber == 0:
serialNumber = row[1]
date = row[2]
time = row[3]
usage = row[4]
dailyUsage = dailyUsage + float(usage);
if lastDate == "":
lastDate = date
if date != lastDate:
lastDate = date
weeklyUsage = weeklyUsage + dailyUsage
# Let's print out our dailyUsage..
dailyUsagex10 = int(dailyUsage * 10.0)
dailyUsage = float(dailyUsagex10/10.0)
dateDay = date.split(' ')[0] # Just get the date part of "30/04/2023 00:00:00"
print( dateDay, ",", dailyUsage )
lines = [dateDay, ",", str(dailyUsage), "\n" ]
out_count = out_count + 1
# ..and then reset it to zero
# .. write it to a new .CSV file dailyUsage.csv
weekCounter = weekCounter + 1
if weekCounter == 7:
weekCounter = 0
weeklyUsagex10 = int(weeklyUsage * 10.0)
weeklyUsage = float(weeklyUsagex10/10.0)
lines = [dateDay, ",", str(weeklyUsage), "\n" ]
weeklyUsage = 0
dailyUsage = 0
line_count += 1
#if line_count > 10:
# break
print(f'{line_count} lines read and {out_count} line written.')
#f = open("usage.csv", "r")
#lineNumber = 0
#for x in f:
#lineNumber = lineNumber + 1
# Expect datas in the format: 18385 10009732581,32467430,02/05/2023 00:00:00,23:30:00,0.06500
#print(lineNumber, x)
# So if seperatured by a comma can w