Bought 10x of these for less than 30 euros on 27/12/21 but haven't done much with them yet!
Bought 10x of these for less than 30 euros on 27/12/21 but haven't done much with them yet!
Powered up the unboxed gateway.
It connected OK to the things network.
And here's its hardware info:
This explains how to make a TTN LoRa Gateway with a Draguino hat and a Raspberry Pi (RPi). I'm using a RPi Zero.
Next to program a 898MHz Heltec board to be the Node 001 compost heap temperature monitor.
Found the device (was being used for the smart meter)
Programmed it with:
22:36:15.502 -> you can see OLED printed OLED initial done!
22:36:15.569 -> LoRa Initial success!
22:36:16.166 -> Boot number: 1
22:36:16.166 -> Wakeup was not caused by deep sleep
22:36:16.166 -> ESP32 Chip ID = C0BC0312CFA4
22:36:18.720 -> Starting ABP Mode
22:36:18.786 -> Looping..0
22:36:46.794 -> 0 0 0.00
22:36:46.794 -> 0 0 0.00
22:36:46.794 -> 0 0 0.00
22:36:46.794 -> 0.0,0.0,0.0
22:36:46.794 -> Calling do_send()
22:36:46.794 -> txBuffer = 000
22:36:46.794 -> 2042118: Unknown event
22:36:46.860 -> Packet queued
22:36:46.860 -> Setup ESP32 to sleep for every 1800 Seconds
22:36:47.092 -> Going to sleep now
But is not seen as:
(22:39) So need to strip this Sketch down to basics! Will do tomorrow as I write uo the system :)