Checked O/C voltage of panels #1 and #2 in the attic. Both still say 0v. #3 and #4 panels say 36v as expected. #5 I can't get to easily.
It was too windy and rainy to check the cabling for #1 and #2 on the roof so I connected #3 to the 12v/24v charge controller and meter and took two 12v car batteries out of my defunct Vitarras as a load.
Everything worked OK but the sun was too low (at 6 pm) to register above 0.0 A on the meter.
Also, one battery was down to 6v while the other was at 12v. So next I will use the 60W 12v system to charge this one back to 12v so the loads are more even.
It was too windy and rainy to check the cabling for #1 and #2 on the roof so I connected #3 to the 12v/24v charge controller and meter and took two 12v car batteries out of my defunct Vitarras as a load.
Everything worked OK but the sun was too low (at 6 pm) to register above 0.0 A on the meter.
Also, one battery was down to 6v while the other was at 12v. So next I will use the 60W 12v system to charge this one back to 12v so the loads are more even.